
Closing my blog

Dear Blogging Friends, 


I know it’s been ages since my last post and although I have gotten over the sinus cold my allergies still have been very bad this year and I often just do not feel very good.  I know my silence worries many of you and I do apologize, but when I am down and not feeling good,  even depressed it seems to be my nature to withdraw.  I am so grateful that so many of you think of me.  I love each of you and hope in time I will feel up to continue visiting again, but as for blogging I have decided to close down.  My heart is just not in it anymore and I have decided I want to move on to something different.  What that is is what I am looking for.  I just won’t be spending as much time online as I use to.  I am not a good letter writer, but I do have many of your emails for those who visited me here often and so I’ll drop you a line now and then. 

Thank you my friends for you caring and love you have shown me over the many years I have been blogging.  I will leave this blog up so you may use the contact page to get a hold of me if you do not have my email. 

For each of you I wish only the best and many blessings.  I carry each of you here in my heart and have tons of memories to warm me always.  God Bless each of you. 


Still sick….


Photobucket This is not going to be a long post. I am still not feeling very well. There is no soreness, but I have a bad cough and just generally feel lousy. my torso is so sore from the cough and although I get a bit of relief from medicine, it always comes back. Then I am over all clammy and sweaty feeling. We go from cold mornings to very warm afternoon, evenings and back to cool nights. How I love this weather, but it’s so maddening not to feel good enough to really enjoy it. I want so badly to go to sleep, but it’s not happening and then when I finally do I feel just horrible for the longest time in the mornings. I have no idea when this will clear up, but I sure wish it happens soon.

So not much else to chatter about. JD’s been off since wed and having him under foot when I feel so crudy hasn’t been much fun, lol. He and Em went to a tractor show today about 3 hours away. They had a great time and I enjoyed the peace and quiet. Em and Michael are still looking at houses with nothing possible they really like yet, but they have time. So guess that is about it. I will try and be around to visit everyone tomorrow. Hope I feel much better. Till next time….

The greatest use of life
is to spend it for something
that will outlast it

~ William James ~


cathing a cold


Photobucket I knew it was coming with these beautiful and cooler days, a sinus cold with a sore throat, scratchy ears and throat and chest congestion. The past two mornings have been in the 40’s which for me is down right cold. I truly felt bad yesterday so hardly was online. As much as I love fall I do dread the cold temps. I’m as miserable when I’m really cold as I am when I am very hot. Trouble is I don’t live somewhere where there are perfect temps years around. Ummm…. is there a place like that that truly exists? lol…. So you’d be right if you suspect that I haven’t been up to very much for the past 4 days. Maybe that day trip and being in that rain didn’t help matters either. Who knows.

Mostly I have been watching TV, my DVD’s and playing some online games when I felt up to it. Haven’t been stay up to late either, although I still haven’t slept to well. When Em and I went to WalMart last week I bought the DVD National Treasure 2, Book of Secrets. I finally got around to watching it last night and I really liked it. I think it was as good as the first one. Even though I’m sure they take a lot of liberty with American History on this, they do mention a lot that is true especially the people. Then today on Fox New’s Morning V.P. Cheney’s wife was on as she wrote a children’s book called “We the People” the Illistrations were marvelous and it sounds like it would be a great book to have for the grandchildren. I believe that many of the youth and young adults are just not well educated in our American History as they should be. They were mentioning the other day on 9/11 about explaining to the children who have been born after it and would have no idea as the the great significance this has on the state of the world today. Mrs. Cheney’s book also is written as she put it in “Good old word, nothing fancy” and the the forefather’s pictures as very real human’s. One illistration she pointed out was Benjamin Franklin addressing a crowd of bickering people with a two-headed snake and asking them just what would happen if one snakes head went one way around a bush the the other the other way. Showing the need for compromise. Then how one day during all the goings on of putting together the consitution that George Washington snuck off to do some trout fishing. Great stories that kids could really relate to.

Anyway although the premise behind National Treasure is fiction, it does make for an excellent adventure. I often visit a blog called Laurel Wreath’s Reflections and she has a recent 5 day give away. I was so excited and thrilled to learn that my name was drawn and I received a $30 Amazon Gift certificate. I am planning on using it to get some DVD’s or books. Deciding which ones is the hardest part, lol… Will let you know what I purchased after I decide. Laurel is a beautiful Christian Lady and her blog is very inspiring and excellent to read. I do recommend you stopping by to visit now and then if you can.

Emily and Michael looked at a house last night. They love the location as it’s very near the park, and although it’s just 2 bedrooms it has a big 2 car garage that can be converted and also a screened in back porch. It has lots more storage space too that where they are now although it’s about the same square footage. It’s well within their price range too. They are thinking on it, but no final decision yet. All I know is that I do hope they find something before really cold and bad weather set in, lol. We know Dad and a trailer will be needed, lol… Cliff took our car last friday night and with some college buddies drove down to McKinney Texas to see one of his best friends, from colllege, high school team he coaches play. He had a great time but I can see how as his friends Darren and Zack are great guys and they’ve all been very close since their college days. In fact both Darren and Zack flew out for Cliff’s Marine graduation.

Not much else going on to chat about. Will be around today and this evening visiting. Till next time…

Look to this day!
For it is life,
the very life of life.
For yesterday is but
a dreamand tomorrow is
only a vision, but today
well lived makes every
yesterday a dream
of happiness and tomorrow
a vision of hope.

~ Kalidasa ~


A day trip…


Photobucket I have mentioned our little trip wednesday to south Oklahoma for lunch. I took some pictures and thought I would share them with you today. This little town we went to eat at is called Meer’s. It’s very near the Witchita Mts. wildlife refuge. The Witchita Mountains run along the southern part of the state and it is written that at one time in our earth’s history they rivaled the Great Rockies. The refuge is a large area near Lawton Oklahoma. Also Fort Sill is located in Lawton and large area of the mountain area next to the refuge is used by the military to shoot off their large guns. Many times here on the farm, many miles away, we have heard and felt the effect of those guns being shot. Also the refuge has a large herd of Buffalo on it and long horn cattle. The Buffalo are allowed to roam anywhere on the refuge and often you’ll see one right next to the road, very close. There are warnings though not to get close and if you saw one up close I don’t think you’d want to as they are a massive animal. One was very close to get a good picture, but I did get my camera out in time. Also on the refuge is an outdoor theater complex called The Holy City, the area there closely resembles the kind of scenery and land of Israel, very rocky and sparse. This was built many years ago and a big production of the time leading up to and after the reserrection of Jesus and it is always put on on Easter. There is a chapel there that is just beautiful and you are allowed to walk the ground where the play goes on. They have areas too where you can picnic. Years ago when the children were little we went down to see the play. It starts in the night very late till the dawn. There is only seating on the ground or you bring lawn chairs or blankets. It is so rocky though that often you are not able to be very comfortable, lol. We got there and were up on the hill when our daughter got very sick and so we had to leave before it started. We’ve never had the opportunity to return during the time of the play, but I’ve been told many times it’s just awesome and truly a must see.

The little town of Meer’s only has about 3 buildings, but one is a cafe store that’s been there for ages. For years it was known for it Buffalo burgers, but for a long time now they use long horn cattle beef instead. Yet they still are an attraction and people come from all over to eat there. JD, Em and Preston have been, but I wasn’t well that day. So this time JD wanted to go again and I was up to going. This first pictures is of our drive coming into the mountain areas. It shows the kind of weather we are having since last week and is expected to last thru at least this coming monday. I know much of it is attributed to Ike coming to shore, but also many other factors. It was so dark and dreary and the clouds hid the tops of the mountains, as this picture shows while we were driving along. Also had a light rain all day as you can see.


Driving into The Holy City area, I tried to capture a full view. You’ll have to look close to see all the buildings as they were cloaked in a mist.


Getting closer I saw this section of land and thought it showed how rocky and sparse the area was. It truly in my opinion so closely resembled the terrain of the real Holy Land.


This is a view from the public facility there of the entrance. To the right behind the trees is the chapel. The large structure was the temple in Jerusalem and over to the far left of the picture were the three crosses up on a hill. It’s such a great natural setting for this story. Maybe one day yet I will be able and well enough to see the play.


As we were driving through the refuge and surrounding areas we notice this site. A windmill farm. You could barely make out these huge windmill structures because of the weather and JD could even tell that the blades were turning, where it took me quite awhile before I saw them, lol. You can see 5 of them pretty clearly in this picture atop the hill, but they were lined up for many miles. I’ve seen windmills in Oklahoma scatterd about for years, but this is on a much more larger scale than I’ve ever seen. Guess we are working towards more natural resources for generating power. lol.


So ended our little day trip, we were gone about 4 hours total and it was a nice change of scenery. Even the light rain was not a bother. Four hours in the car though was about enough as my back was starting to bother me a lot, even with the stops and getting out. Maybe we’ll have other short day trips to interesting places in the future, if so I will of course share. *smiles*

It’s Friday so I thought I would share my two favorite meme’s today. We’re expecting thunder and lightening storms over the week-end so may not be on. Here is my Saturday Special for this week.

~~Creative Adventure XVII ~ Fill In The Blanks~

1. While driving home from a ride in the countryside, you happen to spot a large victorian type old-fashioned general store at the end of a side road. Thinking it might be nice to buy something to take home, you drive up the long driveway and can’t help noticing how many other cars and trucks are already there, so it must be a very interesting place and I’m anxious to see what is inside. I am apprehensive though as it seems terribly busy.

2. Parking the car anyway, you walk up the steps to a big front porch that wraps around the building. Upon reaching the door you see a long line of people waiting to even get inside. I notice a nice row of chairs and benches and am able to see while JD waits in line to get in. I’m glad as I know that it would of been a real stress for me to stand and wait for so long.

3. Once inside the store you wander around and up the four floors and can’t help but notice you are the only one there except for for the many who already were there before us. I see that they not only are shopping around, but awaiting to be seated in the resturant part of the building.

4. Finally leaving the general store, you remember to remind yourself that even though it was a long wait, the store and food were excellent and you hope to return to visit there again someday, but deep down hope that it’s not as crowded so you can really enjoy the atmosphere and take the time to browser the store more leisurely.

Here is my Friday Fun

1. You are in an adventurous mood. Do you go deep sea diving or sky diving? (Thanks to Donovan for this one!) Any idea where you would like to do it? – Deep sea diving off the coast of mexico
2. You just won an all expenses paid trip to anywhere in the world. Do you go to Japan or to France? Why? (Locations courtesy once again from my helpful son!) – France to see the beautiful castles, the Effile tower in person and the French countryside.
3. You meet a stingy genie that will only grant one wish. Do you wish for more money or a better body? Why? – A better body as I messed this one up. lol
4. You have $50 burning a hole in your pocket. Do you head to the book store or to a spa? What would you get? – Book store to purchase some books I’ve been wanting to read.
5. It is time for a caffeine jolt. Do you go for the coffee pot or for the soda? Any favorites? – in the soda of course. I’m truly a Diet Dr. Pepper addict, and not the caffeine free either.

Guess that’s about it for this time. I’ll be around to visit throughout the day. Till next time.

God Bless you and
utterly satifsy
your heart…
with Himself.

~ Amy Carmichael ~


cloudy days…


Photobucket Sorry but I am not missing, it’s just so little is going on here so there’s not much to right about. I am grateful for yet another wonderday God has blessed me with. A cool front move in today so the temps are only in the 70’s. Very nice, but it’s dark and cloudy so it really just makes me more tired. I was on a bit ago and just could hardly keep my eyes open. I hate that because if I lie down then I can’t sleep. I’m not sure what the next few days hold either as I didn’t pay much attention to the weather last night. JD is off tomorrow and thurs. so doubt I am on much. It’s getting a bit hard for me to visit all my reads like I want. I will try and do better.

I’ll be happy to see the new season of many of my shows starting this month. The repeats are getting so stale and boring. Nothing to big on the news either, at least to me. Of course football has started back up and JD watches it pretty often. I just listen usually, lol.

We kept Preston Sunday night as it was Em’s and Michael’s 6th wedding anniversary. They went out to eat and bowled. Preston watched me bowl online and was so cute. He sat on a stool next to me and every time I would get a strike, he raise his arms and shout “We Won, yeah”. lol… So cute. I love to try and remember the cute things the kids did when they were young and now my grandchildren. It just give you such a warm feeling to watch them change and grow. At preschool he learned the song, I’ve got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy, down in my heart. Em called last night and he was singing it so loud that I could hear him, over and over again. Em would try to get him to talk or do something else, but he kept right on singing it. Cute, but driving you to distraction, lol… He just kepted on and on while playing and sorting his color block, she said. I wonder how long he kepted on after we hung up, lol..

Well guess that’s about it for this time, sorry it’s so short. From the looks of the weather I’ll be napping and sleeping the rest of the week, unless something changes, lol. I’ll be around to visit soon. Till next time….

The kiss of the sun
for pardon,
The song of the birds
for mirth,
Oneisnearer God’s
heart in a garden
Than anywhere else
on earth.

~ Dorothy Francis Gurney ~
